Protect your Biggest Investment

Residential impact windows and doors are designed to protect homes from severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, high winds, and flying debris. These specially crafted windows and doors can withstand extreme weather events and offer several benefits that traditional windows and doors cannot.

Here are some benefits of having residential impact windows and doors:

Protection from extreme weather conditions

Residential impact windows and doors are designed to withstand high winds and flying debris that can be caused by severe weather conditions such as hurricanes. These windows and doors are made from laminated glass and are also impact-resistant, which makes them incredibly durable.

Increased safety and security

Traditional windows and doors can be easily broken into by intruders, but impact windows and doors are designed to resist forced entry, providing an added layer of security for your home.

Energy efficiency

Impact windows and doors are also energy-efficient. They help regulate the temperature inside your home by preventing heat from escaping during winter and keeping cool air inside during summer. This can help you save on your energy bills.

Noise reduction

Residential impact windows and doors can also help reduce noise pollution. They are built with sound-reducing materials that can help keep out external noise from traffic and other sources.

On the other hand, if you choose not to install residential impact windows and doors, you risk experiencing several problems, including:

Property damage

Traditional windows and doors can be easily broken during extreme weather conditions, leading to damage to your property, and potentially costly repairs.

Safety concerns: Without impact-resistant windows and doors, your home is vulnerable to strong winds and flying debris during severe weather events, putting you and your family at risk of injury.

Security risks

Traditional windows and doors can be easily broken into by intruders, putting your family and possessions at risk.

Energy inefficiency

Traditional windows and doors may have gaps or cracks that can let in outside air, leading to higher energy bills and a less comfortable home environment.

In conclusion, investing in residential impact windows and doors is an excellent way to protect your property, increase safety and security, and enjoy a more energy-efficient and comfortable home environment.

Call now for a free estimate!

(786) 830-1358